Monday, 12 October 2015

Friday 18th September 2015
        The Teachers Lunch
Once there was a teacher called Mr Gringling. At night time he lived in a hobbit hole perched inside the cliffs. In the daytime he walked to his class to get sorted.  
Each morning while Mr Gringling sorted out the class Mrs Gingling worked in the kitchen making a scrumptious lunch for him. Once she prepared the lunch she put it in the basket and sent it down the wire that ran from the Hobbit Hole to the big class on the rocks.

One Monday something terrible happened. The lunch did not arrive it was spotted by three bad seagulls.
The Zookeepers Lunch

Once there was a zookeeper called Mr White. At night time he lived in a campervan perched high on the clifs. In the day time he drove to his zoo to clean the cages.
Each morning while Mr White cleaned up, Mrs White worked in the kitchen making a delicious lunch for him. Once she prepared the lunch she packed it in a special basket and clipped it onto the wire that run from the campervan to the zoo in the field.

One Monday something terrible happened. 
The builder’s lunch.
Once there was a builder called Mr Grinling. At night time, he lived in a tiny, white block perched high on the cliffs. In the daytime he drove to his building on the road to build the building.
Each morning while Mr Grinling built his building, Mrs Grinling worked in the kitchen making a delectable lunch for him. Once she prepared the basket and clipped it on the wire that ran from the tiny white block to the building on the road.
On Monday something happened. Mrs Grinling had prepared a particularly appetising lunch for him. She put the lunch in the basket as usual and sent it down the wire. The lunch did not arrive. It was spotted by three cheeky monkeys who set upon it and devoured it. ”clear off!” shouted Mr Grinling but the monkeys took not the slightest notice.

That evening Mr and Mrs Grinling decided on a plan to baffle the monkeys. They decided to tie the napkin to the basket. “They will have to try harder to stop us!”
Friday 18th September 2015
LI: To write with purpose.
The Bird keeper
Mr Hanson. At night time he lived in his campervan perched high on the mountain. In the day time he drove to the shop Once there was Bird keeper called to take care of the animal too.
Each morning while Mr Hanson take care of the animals Mrs Hanson worked in the kitchen making a delicious lunch for him. Once she prepared the amazing fabulous lunch  she pack it into a special beautiful basket and clipped it on the wire to the shop.

One Monday morning something horrible happened.
Friday 18th September 2015
Once there was a zoo keeper called Mr Gringling.  At night time he lived in a white hotel in the woods. In the day time he shot on a zip wire to his zoo to clean and sweep the cages.

Each morning while Mr Grinling swept the poo Mrs Grinling worked in the kitchen making a delicious lunch for him. Once she prepared the lunch she packet it into a special basket and clipped it on a wire to the zoo.
Monday 21st September 2015     The animal keeper’s lunch
Once there was an animal doctor called Mr Grinling. At night time he lived in a small camper van perched high on the cliffs. In the day he rowed out to his vet on the rocks to clean and polish the mess.     

Each morning while Mr Grinling   polished the mess, Mrs Grinling worked in the kitchen making a delicious lunch for him. Once she prepared the lunch she packed it into a special basket and clipped it on the wire   that ran down from the little white camper van to the vet on the rocks.                                                                                                                                               
 Monday 21st September
Dear Mr Grinling,
I wanted to write to you because I ate your sandwich. I am so sorry.
Yesterday night there was a heavy storm I was so hungry. Then I was hunting for fish but I saw a family camping and fishing and they ate so many fish. I saw a flying basket and I wanted to eat your jam sandwich and I wasn’t allowed. Suddenly your jam sandwich fell, I was trying to put it back in but since I was hungry I ate it.
I am so sorry and I feel pity for you. I feel really sad. I want to make it up to you. I am going to give you a cake. I am going a really special gift that really expensive I think you might not think it’s expensive, well I think it is so I really hope you love it Mr Grinling.
Yours Guilty,
The Seagulls                                                                           

Monday 21st September

Dear Mr Grinling
I came here to apologise for eating your delectable food, we feel terrible.

It was a sunny day we were flying in the air .We couldn’t find any food or yummy fish to eat. We were ravenous. Then suddenly a big storm came and we were sad. We couldn’t find any fish to eat. The next Morning we were expecting to have some delectable fish. We rapidly flew to the seaside and we found a basket coming towards us! A sandwich! The bread fell into pieces our mouths kept eating it. We were ravenous. We just ate it all were so sorry Mr Grinling we just couldn’t help it.
Monday 21st September

Dear Mr Grinling
I came here to apologise for eating your delectable food, we feel terrible.

It was a sunny day we were flying in the air .We couldn’t find any food or yummy fish to eat. We were ravenous. Then suddenly a big storm came and we were sad. We couldn’t find any fish to eat. The next Morning we were expecting to have some delectable fish. We rapidly flew to the seaside and we found a basket coming towards us! A sandwich! The bread fell into pieces our mouths kept eating it. We were ravenous. We just ate it all were so sorry Mr Grinling we just couldn’t help it.
Monday 21st September
Dear Mr Grinling
I am so sorry for taking your delicious food but please give me your forgiveness. All we wanted was something to eat like yummy sandwiches. We three were desperate to eat.
We were hungry and our bellies rumbled like shivering people. Suddenly a jam sandwich fell but when we pecked at it, it broke into pieces so we ate it because we did not want to waste food. We also ate it because the fish fell into the sea that’s why a storm blew over.

We are so sorry and sad. Your food was delectable.
Monday 21st September

Dear Mr Grinling, I am so sorry that I ate your lunch from your basket. When we were flying we saw a flying basket. It had 2 sandwiches and a cake. One sandwich fell. We tried to catch it but it broke into pieces. We ate the pieces. We are very sorry.
Monday 21st September
Dear Mr Grinling
I am apologising to you about eating your lunch yesterday please don’t be angry with me because I didn’t know it was your lunch. I am telling you the truth I didn’t know it was your delectable lunch .I ate your lunch because I was starving like earthquakes and I was by myself. The Next morning I went to the sea and got some fish to eat because I was hungry.
I am feeling sorry today because I didn’t find you yesterday please don’t be angry with me please.
So so sorry

From greedy seagulls.