Friday, 17 November 2017

year3 2017


Hi Mr Grinnling ,
We had a terrible day! We wanted to apoligise to you for eating your scrumptious lunch. There was a storm last night and the sea was going wild! We felt terrible.
The sea was scaring all the fish away so we were starving! We felt like having a scrumptious lunch. Our stummucks  was rumbling like a rhino stumbling on our tummies. When the storm stopped we saw some fish laying on the ground but it didn’t look nice. We were hungry so we ate it. We were drifting through the air and looking around food.
Just then we smelt something that we ate before but it was some fish. We smelt a scrumptious lunch and our beaks were dribbling and we followed the smell although it was a basket full of food.
We saw the basket falling through and it went into our sharp yellow talons but we had the basket.

We ate your lunch however the biscuits were crunchy.


  1. it was fantastic. did you remember your fullstops.

  2. Hi rafsan good story its very long and fantastice. Did you remember capitail letters and fall stops. good describing words.

  3. Rafsan I love your work.How do you concentrate and write very much?

  4. I
    love writing I love how you added ajectives!

  5. hello Rafsan I like your writing because you added lots of ajectis and you added the word scrumptoiun from. from Arafat

  6. Rafsan I love your story. can you write the whole story
    next time
